The project is set within the scope of the right to education assured by the Brazilian Constitution, issued in 1988. Since then, many challenges are still present for its full effect.  Many legal milestones and programs were implemented towards this goal.

From 2018 onwards, the challenge is to implement the National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC) and its general competencies, aiming for an integral education. Together with BNCC, there is BNC- Continuing Education, aligning the expected competencies for students with those expected from the teacher.

Furthermore, the Covid-19 Pandemic and the adoption of remote classes and hybrid teaching in Basic Education exposed the need to invest in research and continuing education of teachers in the school setting.

In this context, Futures Literacy constitutes what UNESCO considers to be one of the central competencies for 21st century professionals, with a need for learning starting from Basic Education.

Inspired on this demand and with the support from Fapergs and Sebrae, situated in the University of Caxias do Sul, the Futures Literacy project for Basic Education proposes a pedagogical approach founded in the competence of Futures Literacy based on a training-research process, in the perspective of action research in educational contexts, encompassing teachers and students with support from researcher-trainers.

By the pedagogy of projects and active learning strategies, specially the pedagogical use of research in the classroom, the Futures Literacy pedagogical approach enhances an innovative way of problematizing and implementing BNCC´s general competencies (http://basenacionalcomum.mec.gov.br/) and Sustainable Development Goals (https://brasil.un.org/pt-br/sdgs), aiming for the common good and the maintenance of life on the planet.

Such intention is materialized through the steps for the construction of Futures Literacy projects which, adapted to Basic Education, and also applicable to Higher Education, foresees the adoption of seven steps: Imagine; Define; Gather; Analyze; Reflect; Act; Evaluate, respectively, focused on the process of: sensibilization; elaboration of the future question; search for sources of construction and organization of data and information; analysis and reflection on the certainties and uncertainties about the future; reflection for action; proposing actions for the present; looking at the path taken and announcing new movements. Class letters and Project-Letters are the supports that guide the development of the work and the systematization of the experience.

Therefore, the Futures Literacy Portal is a space for socializing innovative training processes and disseminating successful school experiences, organized into seven sections whose contents can be inspiring for the development of actions aimed at Futures Literacy.


We are a multidisciplinary team, with roles and education background in many teaching levels and areas of knowledge.

Nilda Stecanela


PhD and Master’s in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS with post-doctoral studies at the Institute of Education, University of London. Permanent faculty member in the Graduate Program in Education and coordinator of the Education [...]

Mateus Panizzon


Professor Mateus Panizzon is a faculty member of the Graduate Program in Administration, and he conducts research in the field of Futures Studies. He introduced the Program “Advanced Methods in Futures Thinking and Foresight” at the University of Caxias do Sul [...]

Valquíria Villas Boas


PhD in Sciences, Master’s in Condensed Matter Physics, and Bachelor’s in Physics from the Institute of Physics at the University of São Paulo – IFUSP. She holds post-doctoral positions at the Laboratoire de Magnétisme Louis Néel of the Centre National de [...]

Marliva Vanti Gonçalves


She has a Degree in Social Communication with License for Journalism by the Federal University of Goiás (1983) and by the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1989) and Master’s degree in Communication and Semiotics by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica [...]

Vagner Zulianelo


Master in Teaching Science and Mathematics by the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS). Specialized in Computer Classes in Education, in Special and Inclusive Education, in Teaching Methodology of Mathematics and Physics and in Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Practices  with focus in Mathematics. [...]

Maria de Fátima Pizzoli


Bacharel Degree in Business Administration; Specialist in Marketing Management, in Group Dynamics, Teaching in Trade School, and PROEJA Assertive Actions. She is a Master in Business Administration and Doctor in Education. She is a teacher in the Federal Institute of Education, [...]

Emily Melo Martello

Scientific Scholarship Holder - BIC/UCS

Scientific Scholarship Holder by the University of Caxias do Sul, undergraduate student in Psychology at the University of Caxias do Sul. Scientific Scholarship Holder on the Scientific Scholarship Program of the University of Caxias do Sul (BIC/UCS). Researcher Student at the [...]


Futures Literacy Project’s image was carefully thought out, resulting from multiple conversations between the creation team, led by Prof. Marliva Vanti Gonçalves and the project coordination. Many elements composed its creation, among them: curiosity, questioning, creativity, education through observation, learning through seeing, sensible listening, technologies, ethnographic records, the day-to-day in education, among others. Inspired by Rubem Alves, on the toybox and toolbox chronicle, lightheartedness is translated into the results that identify the project. In Marliva’s words:

“Have you ever received a surprise giftbox?
So, you know how it is… the expectation, some reservation, the unthinkable and the predicable, together!
Every box of this kind has wings – as you open it, the mind frees itself, the heart beats, the imagination wonders.
Time mix, the taste of long-gone childhood, the possibilities of the present, taste of future, onwards, bearing dreams, wrapped by art, by technology and by our human presence in the world.
Once opened, it is impossible to close the box. Lock pads disappear, it almost crumbles, wreathed in a think-feel-knowledge cloud.
Life’s giftbox is meant to be opened every day.
And this is an individual and collective invitation.”






The Project integrates actions from the “UNESCO Global citizenship and Environmental Sustainability Chair” as well as the “Education Observatory of the University of Caxias do Sul”. It is linked to the “Iberoamerican network of researchers on research in the classroom as a pedagogical tool”. It is partnered with the Vox Populi-Portugal Foundation, with the NEPSO project and with the program that grants the “Seal of Research that Teaches” to institutions that spread the use of research in schools. And is in articulation with an “Agreement of Cooperation between UCS and UAb-PT” to expand existing exchange programs.

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The Project integrates actions from the “UNESCO Global citizenship and Environmental Sustainability Chair” as well as the “Education Observatory of the University of Caxias do Sul”. It is linked to the “Iberoamerican network of researchers on research in the classroom as a pedagogical tool”. It is partnered with the Vox Populi-Portugal Foundation, with the NEPSO project and with the program that grants the “Seal of Research that Teaches” to institutions that spread the use of research in schools. And is in articulation with an “Agreement of Cooperation between UCS and UAb-PT” to expand existing exchange programs.


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