
The Futures Literacy Project transcends physical and geographical borders and promotes diverse discourses, strengthens bonds for the institution of the Futures Literacy Network for education, as shown by the following news:


Participation in Simposium

Professor Maria de Fátima Fagherazzi Pizzoli participated in the I Simposium of Education in Global Citizenship and Socioenvionmental Justice, presenting the work: Fundamentals and  Pedagogical Resources [...]


Participation in Simposium

Participation of the professors Nilda Stecanela and Valquíria Villas-Boas in the IV International Conference of Philosophy in Education and Critical Pedagogy, at PUC/RS between November 29th [...]


Emily Melo Martello’s participation in the XXXI Young Researchers Summit

The scholarship holder presented the work Ethnographic Records in education with the distinction of the Human Sciences Area.


Documentary is launched at the Caldas Junior School

Documentary of the subproject “50 Years of Caldas Junior School: look to the past, understand the present, design the future to transform behaviors today”.


Visit to Portuguese schools

Visit to Portuguese schools for the presentation of the Futures Literacy project and its link to the research in the school.


Visit to the Vox Populi

Visit to the Vox Populi Foundation to strengthen the partnership with the NEPSO Project and with the Seal Research that Teaches.


Participation in the experience Voices WEIWE®BE

Participation in the experience Voices WEIWE®BE of the Ramada Secondary School: literacy skills in action.


Participation in the XXX International Colloquium of AFIRSE Portugal

Participation in the XXX International Colloquium of AFIRSE Portugal that took place at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon…


Meetings to articulate network partnerships

Meetings to articulate network partnerships with professor Teresa Margarida Loureiro Cardoso, of the Department of Remote Education of the Univeristy…


Professor Mateus Panizzon represented the Futures Literacy Team

Professor Mateus Panizzon represented the Futures Literacy Team at the I International Education for the Future of Humankind Congress, with the speech entitled… 


The Course Conclusion Ceremony

The course conclusion ceremony took place at the Caldas Junior School with the handing of the participation certificates to the teachers and students.